Josipa Lujanović (Split, Croatia) - Šibenik Dance Festival

Josipa Lujanović (Split, Croatia)

Let’s jazz it up!

(jazz dance & theatre dance workshop)

Depending on the age and abilities, children will be introduced to the world of jazz dance and theatre jazz through thoughtfully designed training sessions. By mastering the basics of jazz technique and supplementing with various spatial exercises, improvisation techniques will also be employed, encouraging both young and older dancers to unleash their imagination and creativity. The elements learned in the first part of the class will facilitate the mastery of choreography. For younger age groups, these are usually dance stories, which always follow their interests and developmental abilities through the choice of music and theme. With older age groups, a combination of various substyles of jazz dance (with an emphasis on theatre jazz) will be incorporated, within which the story, theme, and idea are clearly visible and present the purpose of the dance movements.

Josipa Lujanović CV

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